Find a list of words in the grid and practise your native or a foreign language vocabulary while having fun.
* 100.000+ verified words for each 7 languages
English (US & UK), French, German, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese
* 29 Word Categories, 3 difficulty levels
From simple and safe for children to very challenging for word game experts
* 16 Trivia and Translation modes
Learn and practise foreign language basic vocabulary and translation
* Clean and simple game play with a user friendly interface
* Official word games (Scrabble™ ,Word With Friends™...) compatible word list for every language
* Integrated encyclopaedic reference and translation lookup (requires Internet access)
* Customisable grid and letter size
* Dynamically generated grids for infinite play
* 3 Visual Themes (Colourful, Monochrome, Battery saving)
* Best time board and game statistics with in-game timer
* Special support for tablets and large screens
Totally Free! No nag, no Ad, no inappropriate permissions required.
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Full source code available for private and educational use on our web site: